Riz’s Car vs the Tree

A friend of mine crashed his car into a tree last night. It (the car not the tree) probably won’t run again, but Riz survived with only a broken wrist, a cut upper lip and lots of scratches. Nothing too serious, thank God. He was really lucky, looking at the state of the car.

Like a lot of other cars here, including mine, this one ran on CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). If his gas tank had exploded….. . This is what the car and the tree looked like before it was towed away (the car not the tree):

Rizwan's Car 1 Rizwan's Car 2 Rizwan's Car 3

I’m amazed that although the law requires you to wear a seatbelt, most people don’t. The reason they cite for it is that it reduces your chances of survival in an accident by tying you down. I guess these geniuses know something those car manufacturers, who waste millions on car safety, don’t.