Recommendations for blog template

A number of readers have expressed dissatisfaction with‘s design (or the lack of it, to be more precise) which has been around for a couple of years now (check out the Wayback Machine for older layouts).

I have been pretty much satisfied by the site’s functionality, but even I am now put off by the template. Also, is starting to lag behind in terms of features (AJAX, proper moderation etc.). It could be one of the reasons I don’t blog here as often as I used to.

Admitting my lack of design skills, and also with Zeb absent from the scene ever since he got married, I’d like you, yes you there, to recommend some good, simple yet elegant CSS design. I’m looking for something trendy, though light on graphics. Preferably a unique design that sets this blog apart from the rest.

I’ll take care of customizing it to my scripts (or updating my scripts to work with it) and optimizing the graphics and load times. All you have to do is recommend a good design. Am willing to pay a little for an original and worthwhile work, though apart from that, all I can offer is my gratitude and a mention on my blog.

Thank you all. Hope to have a new template for the new year.

3 thoughts on “Recommendations for blog template

  1. Hello Sajjad…
    Well I have gone thru the same prob as you earlier while I started blogging… I have used a few templates but all of them were quite heavy… then for the sake of looking kool I added up a lot of mess at my blog… now after much experience I have a limited number of widgets at my blog which are really helpful for my readers and for me as well…
    so i think its always better to put very very selective stuff on ur blog…. just to increase the navigation thru your blog…
    do check out mine and may be u can get one or two little good things there.. 🙂
    btw i was at Isloo’s bloggers meet up too… glad that at least I found u after that… hahaha

  2. Thanks for the feedback Afaque. Yours is a very nice and readable blog so would be looking for something similar. Hope I find a good one.

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